Why is sex taboo?
Sex with love is the greatest pleasure in the world, and it is repressed because it is the greatest pleasure.
Why is sex taboo?
The effort made to suppress sex would be beyond our understanding if it were for the sake of sex as such. Not sex, however, but the breaking of human will is the reason for vilifying sex. A great number of the so-called primitive societies have no sex tabu whatever. Since they function without exploitation and domination, they do not have to break the individual's will.
Why is sex taboo?
Armored life lives only, and can only live, on the basis of a strict negation of bodily natural love. Therefore, whenever and wherever armored life meets with natural live, especially with the most outstanding function in this realm, the natural genitality of children, adolescents, men and women, it will exert the pressure of "social ostracism," of a negative, threatening public opinion, of slander, gossip and defamation or, worse, injunction. Armored life will this still try to sequester and eliminate the menace to its existence on the basis of a primordial function of the living, in defense of its organismic integrity and persistence.