Why am I bored?

The fulfilment of desire can at the most bring flashes or pleasure and excitement. Don't mistake that for happiness. Your own experience should have taught you that pleasure soon becomes wearisome and excitement infallibly leads to boredom.

--Anthony de Mello

Why am I bored?

Old exists only in the mind, because mind funtions out of past memory. Once your mind is repetitive, you will neither know peace, nor joy, nor wisdom in your life. It's time you meditate and go beyond this repetitiveness.


Why am I bored?

But activity does not exist for the purpose of our escaping boredom; rather, boredom exists so that we will escape inactivity and do justice to the meaning of our life.

--Viktor E. Frank

Why am I bored?

But, in the larger sense of human existence needing, for joy and sanity, a sense of purpose and direction, an awe and wonder, which, as Einstein reminded us, is the very source of inquiry and hende of science - in this sense, our technical society, so wrapped up in means and manipulation, too often fails to give us direction and dedication, without which we can be rich and healthy and strong, yet bored and joyless as well.

--Barbara Ward (1963)