What not to do?

"I am not responsible" makes you unwilling to get along with anyone -until you can't even get along with yourself.

Sо dоn't роstроne аnythіng beаutіful untіl tоmоrrоw. Аnd роstроne аnythіng bаd аs muсh аs yоu саn - deаth mаy соme іn between, аnd yоu wіll hаve been sаved frоm dоіng sоmethіng bаd.


What not to do?

A life that is burdened with expectations is a heavy life. Its fruit is sorrow and disappointment.

--Douglas Adams

What not to do?

Once you start thinking you are special, better, entitled or eligible, you are done. You may get a wide reach, but the evil way. See what happened with Jesus once he started to believe he is the one.

--unknown source

What not to do?

Great leaders carefully manage expectations to avoid not meeting them.

--David Rock

What not to do?

Without identification with the cosmos you should not give education to a child, because education is seen as an empowerment. You should not empower a person who has limited identifications, because it doesn't matter whether it's of individual nature or a family or of community or race religion nation, it doesn't matter. Once you have limited identity you will cause disharmony, you will cause cruel things, thinking you're doing the right thing.


What not to do?

Anger, resentment and jealousy doen't change the heart of others, it only changes yours.

--Shannon Alder

What not to do?

You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.

--Ryan Holiday

What not to do?

Never do yourself what others can do for you.

Wrongs are often forgiven, but contempt never is. Our pride remembers it for ever.

--Robert Greene

What not to do?

Do not suppress desire, because then you would become lifeless. You'd be without energy and that would be terrible. Desire in the healthy sense of the word is energy, and the more energy we have, the better. But don't suppress desire, understand it. Understand it. Don't seek to fulfil desire so much as to understand desire. And don't just renounce the objects of your desire, understand them; see them in their true light. See them for what they are really worth. Because if you just suppress your desire, and you attempt to renounce the object of your desire, you are likely to be tied to it. Whereas if you look at it and see it for what is is really worth, if you understand how you are preparing the grounds for misery and disappointment and depression, your desire will then be transformed into what I call a preference.

--Anthony de Mello

What not to do?

Lk 4:12 And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.


What not to do?

Don't knock down a wall until you know why it was put up.

--Douglas Stone + Bruce Patton + Sheila Heen

What not to do?

One cannot construct submarines by reading Jules Verne;
One cannot construct a human society by reading the prophets.
--Erich Fromm