What is IES?
If systemic (S) value is the value of Perfection and extrinsic (E) value that of Goodness, singular or intrinsic (I) value is the value of Uniqueness.
(S) - synthetic concept
Systemic measurement is the abstract, formal kind of measurement used by the scientist, objective and detached.
Geometric circles, triangles, electrons, numbers, and the like - systemic things - cannot as such be either good or bad. They can only be, or not be, such things. The values connected with systemic concepts, therefore, can only be synthetic being or not being, complete fulfillment or complete nonfulfillment, perfection or nonperfection. Systemic value is the value of Perfection. As Aristotle rightly says, a number cannot be "mutilated"; for the loss of a unit makes it another number. But a cup can be mutilated; for the loss of a handle still leaves it a cup.
(E) - analytic concept
Extrinsic measurement is by the value terms "good," "fair," etc. - and it is more "subjective" in application although as objective in theory as is systemic measure. This kind of measurement is acted out, thought through, judged, in short, is lived in everyday life.
(I) - singular concept
Intrinsic measurement is exalted experience, enjoyment, involvement in the thing valued, indeed, the stage of involvement are this measurement - yet, theoretically, it is as objective as are the other kinds of measurement.
The fulfillment by a thing of a singular concept, understood in this sense, constitutes intrinsic value. Intrinsic value is the valuation of poets and artists, lovers and mystics, magicians and advertisers, chefs de cuisine and politicians, creative theologians and scientists. It is emphatic - and empathic - valuation.
What is IES?
(S) kigdom of meaning
Formal concepts are definitions composed of a small number of constructed properties that either are present in a valorandum or not: if three straight lines intersect, we have a triangle; if not, no triangle exists. The ideas this defined are mental constructs, without existence in space-time, except in approximation; neither absolutely straight lines not perfect circles can be found under an electron microscope. Hartman called the dimension that perfect valoranda inhabit "Systemic." In it only two possibilities exist: either the formal definition is not fulfilled and the object is not that type of valorandum, or else it is perfectly fulfilled. Systemic entities are always perfect; it two valoranda are both triangles, one of them cannot be more or less of a triangle than the other. Thus, only two valuations are possible in the systemic dimension, one or zero, yes or no, depending on whether the object fulfills the formal definition or not.
The systemic is the kigdom of meaning: it includes all thoughts, ideas, concapts, and interpretations; every kind of mental constructs like philosophies, ideologies, beliefs, doctrines or dogmas, as well as the social institutions - economic, political, cultural, or religious - which embody them. The systemic encompasses thus all science - Axiology included - and the ideas and ideals of how oneself and the world are, can be, abd should be. The systemic includes all norms, external - legal or social - as well as inner moral standards or ideals.
(E) kingdom of action
The definitions of abstract concepts are abstracted from objects in the concrete sensory world; they are composed of a reduced but potentially immense number of discrete properties. They define things, separate material objects and relations existing in space-time. A chair is a plane surface for sitting, fixed at the level of human knees, with a beck. When these essential properties are met we have a chair; it any of them is missing the object is not a chair, but something else we cannot value as chair. It a chair has its definitional purposes. The possible combinations of these properties generate a number of valuational possibilities that increases with the complexity of the object. The qualities experts can appreciate in a great wine, for instance. can be combined in 10 to 40th power different ways, so large a number that for all practical purposes they are infinite. The dimension where these valoranda belong is called "Extrinsic"; and the values possible in it go from one - when the essential properties are met - to denumerable infinity.
The extrinsic is the kingdom of action, the public space-time frame, people by separate material entities - things or objects, from dust specks through machines, buildings, continents, planets, and stars, to galaxies. Extrinsic objects include human bodies and everything we can compare, classify, and order by its properties, like character, job or profession, private and public relational roles, public image, and social status.
(I) kingdom of inwardness and emotion
Singlular Concepts contain potentially a non-denumerably infinite number of continuous properties. They define singular entities, mainly persons, conscious human beings, unique individuals. All persons contain in themselves their own singular concept: "I am I." "I" is the only complete definition of a person, therefore its only exact one; it confirms that each member of humankind is unique, singular, non-repeatable. Each person is in a class unto herself or himself; each is her or his own model. In consequence, the valuation of human being is always transfinite. How much is a baby worth to its mother? How much the beloved to the lover? Each of us can either fulfill perfectly and consciously our own concept, thus actualizing transfinite value, or unconsciously try to fulfill some concept of self not our own. Hartman thought that those who are unaware of the absolute infinity of their own value have a weak consciousness. As with ideas, personal consciousness does not really belong in public space-time. The dimension to which these values belong is called "Intrinsic."
The intrinsic is the kingdom of inwardness and emotion; and it mainly includes persons, non-repeatable human individuals, each embodying a non-denumerably infinite number of continuous properties. It includes the intuitive awareness of ourselves and others as individual human beings, as well as all desires, emotions, feelings, affects, and choices.